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Green Penguin Taiwan Ltd (GPTL), a professional consulting firm, creating and delivering services to enable its clients to win in the changing world of work. Founded in Taipei in 2006, GPTL has continually proved the quality services in the Asia Market. Among the severe competition of the global market, GPTL stays proactive at clients’ needs and puts more focuses on raising productivity through improved quality and cost-reduction for their workforce, enabling clients to concentrate on their core business activities. For years, GPTL has dedicated to provide a high quality talents recruit and good quantity of employment fulfilling for clients. By offering the quality services, we can help clients raise productivity through improved strategy, quality, efficiency and cost reduction. Our strong consultant team is of the strength, which stands firm for the tough competition of the market; as they are senior recruiters with good backgrounds and expertise of both high tech and non high tech industries. Keeping the commitment to seek talents, the ultimate goal for GPTL is not only to provide the most suitable candidates for clients, but also to facilitate the process of achieving or even surpassing the goals efficiently. We’ve kept enhancing our ability to provide clients with expert advice to help them navigate the entire employment and business cycle. We provide consulting services through GPTL, including HR consulting, research and diagnostics, talent recruitment and architecture and career transition, etc. GPTL has always been aware of the changing world of work, thus to retain and keep improving and enhancing the quality of services is the key to help advance the workforce for the job market of today and tomorrow.
Jabil is a products solution company providing customized, end-to-end electronics design, comprehensive product management and robust post-manufacturing repair services to a diverse set of customers and industry segments. Jabil has more than 70,000 employees and over 50 facilities in 20 countries. Jabil’s dynamic, experienced leadership and employees have driven the strong financial performance for almost four decades. Jabil is one of only 15 Fortune 500 companies growing revenue, operating income and earnings per share at a compound annual growth rate of over 25 percent over the past 10 years. The company’s superior operational and financial results flow from an unwavering focus on customer satisfaction and operational execution. 捷普集團(Jabil Circuit) 為-著名的美資企業,成立於1966年,總部設於美國佛羅里達州,全球員工超過 70,000 位。上市於紐約證券中心,2005年財政年度收入75億美元,為全球最大的電子合約製造服務商(EMS)之一,於2006年全球財富500強排名303。 在電腦週邊設備、數據傳輸、自動化及消費產品等多個領域,捷普集團向全球各地的客戶提供從設計、開發、生產、裝配、系統技術支援,甚至到最終用戶分銷等優質服務。憑藉強大的技術優勢、銳意創新的專業態度和盡善盡美的服務精神,捷普集團一直處於國際市場領先地位,擁有分佈在美洲、亞洲及歐洲等超過45個高度自動化的生產基地,資金、技術實力雄厚。 捷普集團除提供強大的生產技術外,近年來亦積極投入產品技術研發,於美洲、歐洲及上海皆設有研發單位。 2005年6月,美商捷普公司全額投資購買了”凱宣科技股份有限公司”,成立「台灣捷普科技股份有限公司」。台灣捷普科技專注於設計研發,積極發展GPS、天線、Display 等產品技術,致力發展成為全方面設計研發中心! 為提供更完整及多元的服務,Jabil Circuit於2007年4月全資購併手機零組件大廠-綠點高新科技(股)。前綠點高新科技(股)為一世界知名的通訊及光電零組件製造公司,已成為世界知名手機大廠最信賴的供應商之一,在台灣手機機殼之製造居於領導地位。全球據點分布於台灣、大陸(華北、華東、華南)、馬來西亞、美國,總員工人數達25,000人以上。綠點主要產品為專業代工OEM及專業代工及設計ODM多家世界級大廠通訊等手機機殼之零組件,全球市占率高達15%以上,並積極朝向通訊/光電/汽車產業發展,汽車產業則與德國大廠合資成立子公司,通訊產業則以就近生產服務客戶之成功策略,及專責研發團隊,取得競爭優勢及市場先機。
美商啟源科技(股)公司為美國 Pivot International 在台灣之子公司,負責產品設計開發(硬體、軟體、及機構)、專案管理、零組件採購、及物流管理。 Pivot International 總部設於美國 Kansas City, 專注於產品設計開發及製造服務,以專業與熱忱服務客戶,成立至今已超過30年,旗下設有台灣子公司、中國大陸東莞代表處、及菲律賓馬尼拉工廠,利用各地獨特之優勢,以全球協同分工之作業模式服務客戶。 經營理念 利用美國總公司、台灣設計開發中心、中國大陸東莞後勤與工程支援、及菲律賓馬尼拉工廠各地獨特之優勢,透過嚴謹的流程管理與 PDM (Product Database Management) & PLM (Product Life-cycle Management) 系統管理工具,以全球協同分工之作業模式服務客戶,為客戶產品開發之策略合作夥伴。 縮短客戶產品上市時間 -- Time to market 增進客戶之股東價值 -- Increase customers shareholder value 服務客戶以極大化新產品開發之內部報酬率(IRR) -- Maximize customers internal rate of return (IRR) for new product development 增強客戶在自身產業中之地位 -- Enhance customers positions in their respective industries 主要商品或服務項目 投票機 、 商用電子產品、工業電腦、量測儀器、醫療器材等產品設計開發及製造服務 福利制度 週休二日,享有勞∕健保,退休金制度,年假,年終獎金及員工旅遊等. 公司經營理念 利用美國總公司、台灣設計開發中心、中國大陸東莞後勤與工程支援、及菲律賓馬尼拉工廠各地獨特之優勢,透過嚴謹的流程管理與 PDM (Product Database Management) & PLM (Product Life-cycle Management) 系統管理工具,以全球協同分工之作業模式服務客戶,為客戶產品開發之策略合作夥伴。 縮短客戶產品上市時間 -- Time to market 增進客戶之股東價值 -- Increase customers shareholder value 服務客戶以極大化新產品開發之內部報酬率(IRR) -- Maximize customers internal rate of return (IRR) for new product development 增強客戶在自身產業中之地位 -- Enhance customers positions in their respective industries
MCCI成立於1995年,總公司位於美國紐約州,是主要的手機及移動通信設備USB軟/韌體開發及供應商.與主要手機平臺供應商及OEM皆有密切合作夥伴關係,更為USB國際標準之主要制定及推動者,領導USB CDC/DWG,及參與MCPC,PCCA, CIPA, TD-SCDMA之USB標準化,為業界公認之最佳USB解決方案. MCCI於美國紐約,德州,北卡,歐洲瑞典,亞洲,日本,韓國,上海,及臺北皆設有據點,以因應移動裝置開發全球化,並與世界夥伴密切合作. MCCI Corporation. a leading supplier of connectivily software is seeking qualified people to join the company in a time of fast growth. Our customers are top-tier mobile phone manufacturers based in Europe. Asia. and North America. MCCI products are part of over 300 million cellphenes delivered world-wide; our advantage is a deep understanding of the conplexlly of today’s multi-functional mobile phoncs. Local offices support customers out of Taiwan, Japan and Korea.
Love of 理念: Love of 提供現代生活女性休閒時尚感的歐美風格服飾,傳達愛戀自我風格的意念,讓每位顧客能透過 Love of 的服飾,感受到更豐富的生活故事。 Love of 風格: 歐美時尚風格穿著。 Love of 保證: 服飾設計與製造皆由 Love of 垂直整合及監控,除了品質保證外,Love of 的產品絕對會帶給妳 自信、喜悅、時尚! Love of 服務: Love of 除了在 Facebook 網路購物上販售 Love of 服飾,在東區頂好名店城裡的店面提供試穿及取貨服務,當然也會有網路購物上看不到的精美服飾等著妳發掘!貼心的 Love of 也會現場提供好喝的咖啡供妳享用,讓妳擁有 VIP 的購物體驗!
N BRIEF HORNSONIC has launched the professional OEM / ODM of loudspeakers(driver units) range for Hi-Fi , PA , Car , multimedia , etc. onto market since 1985. Today we comprise three plants which are located in Taiwan , China , Indonesia, with three regional offices separately in Taiwan , USA and Hong Kong in handling global sales and distribution. 95% of the turnover is for export worldwide-Japan , USA , Europe , Australia , Asia , etc. In its facility area of about 35,000 square meters and approx 1.8 million pieces of loudspeakers (driver units)can be manufactured monthly . All the production is implemented under ISO 9000 to keep the quality in good manners. The people who in HORNSONIC research center with the advanced facilities and equipment are often enthusiasts , with many years of experience in meeting customers s changing demands and the very expertise to ensure that everything is properly set up to deliver the best performance. 1991 - Hornsonic International Corp.-headquarters in Taiwan 1985 - Hurng Yin Electronic Co., Ltd - Taiwan plant. 1989 - Humg Yin Electomic(HK) Co., Ltd - HK office. 1998 - Hera International Inc. - USA office. 2000 - H&Y ELECTRONICS SDN - BHD. YOU REQUIRE IT WE LL HAVE IT !! HORNSONIC INTERNATIONAL CORP. Head Office : 12F , No . 333-335 , Wen-Hsin Road , Ku-Shan Dist., Kaohsiung , Taiwan. Tel : 886-7-553-1626~8 Fax : 886-7-553-0701 Email : [email protected]
Since 1955, we have been providing complex plastics manufacturing solutions to the world’s most successful companies. Today we are a $1.1 billion global plastics leader serving the Healthcare, Packaging and Consumer Electronics industries, along with additional markets through our strategic companies. We have over 17,000 Nypro team members at 44 locations in 15 countries, all dedicated to satisfying your requirements. As one of the largest employee-owned companies in the world, we are committed to assuring that our customers receive the attention and results they need - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our people have the knowledge, creativity, expertise and, most importantly, the passion and empowerment to help you do anything with plastics. Please look around our website and contact us if you would like to learn more about any of our full-service offerings.
Original Design, Total Branding Solution Cerebrum Design is the “ innovative one-stop ” design branding consultancy firm. We understand that a strong brand foundation is essential for brand success and that innovation is a key driver for business growth. We comprehend our creativity with the logical sense of marketability and commercial viability, while Managing brand image consistency through out the process. We are experience creators, bridging consumer’s aspirations with the core values of brands today. Cerebrum Design is one of the most established design consultancy in Taiwan and Thailand, and the business footprint extends to Sweden, India, Cambodia, France, Singapore, China / Hong Kong, and Japan. With these project experience, Cerebrum Design develops extensive creative insights about consumer trends and design trends in the global market. Cerebrum Design always been referred on exploring Asian insights and at the same time, assisted Asian brands and manufacturers to develop creative products as well as a distinctive brand identity for the global market.
Ernst Rudolf Erni founded the company in Switzerland in 1947. In 1956, ERNI began manufacturing electromechanical components in Adelberg, Germany. In 1968, ERNI Electronics GmbH became the world’s first manufacturer of backplane connectors that complied with the new standard DIN 41612. The new standard DIN 41612 has evolved into the most widely accepted standard for industrial printed-circuit board connectors in the world. Today, ERNI is the leading supplier of 2mm HM connectors and HM-ZD high-speed connectors. ERNI has established its Asian headquarter in Singapore since 1996 and opened up sales offices in major cities like Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul and Bangalore. 1999 - Set up Taiwan Representative Office 2000 - Set up Korea Representative Office 2001 - ERNI started third party manufacturing in China & Taiwan 2002 - Set up Shenzhen Representative Office 2003 - Set up Shanghai Representative Office 2004 - Set up Beijing & Japan Representative Office; Increase design in capabilities & capacities 2007 - Set up India Representative Office 2009 - Set up Thailand Representative Office
INNOCOMM, based in Taiwan, is currently a private-held system integrator solution provider that develops integrated solutions from the top down to realize business, technical and operational objectives. In today’s competitive marketplace, INNOCOMM provides the open standard technology, professional service, and next generation messaging solutions to meet 2.5G 3G service provider in leveraging its new service platform and VAS applications by utilizing innovative IT technology and integrated network design. The spirit of INNOCOMM is to assist service providers to maximize business value by partnering an array of key vendors to supply business and technological solutions that are migrating from the traditional telephony model to offer flexible programmable mobile data service offerings at competitive prices. Our competitive strengths are: A. Ability to offer a range of telecommunications products and services that enable mobile data services to be added to existing business infrastructure; B. Ownership of a range of innovative, revenue-driven application products, and VAS solutions; C. Proven track record and established customer base which continues to provide new business locally regionally; D. Size, which means it is fast and flexible in responding to meet customers’ needs; E. Considerable international experience with a solid understanding of regional and local needs
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